Tuesday 26 February 2013

Lack of drainages system cause flood in Akute


Rain,  which began on the early morning of Monday cause flood in some areas in Akute Ajuwon. The rain which took many residents of Akute unaware entered some house in Adejumo Street, pipe land road and jolasco bus stop and Olajumoke area.

When inside Lagos visited Akute community, it was discovered that the lack of drainage system was the cause of water storing in jolasco,adejumo,olajumoke, baale and pipe land road, which led to some house being flooded and street being by the water.

A man who house was flood by water was seen angry as he describes lack of drainage system in the area as the cause of flooding in Akute.

“We lack cooperation in this community, look, my house is flooded because some people have refused to contribute money so that we can construct a drainages system, which will ease the flow of water and pass it to it final destination” he said.

Mrs. Tunde Medinat describe the flood as disturbing and also claim that, the flood issue started when a man blocked the passage were the water was suppose to pass.

According to Ola “this flood thing wasn’t happening some few years back, it all started when baba ibeji decided to block were the water was passing to it final destination, the man claim that the water was disturbing him. I am pleading with the government to find a quick solution to this flood, if they can construct drainages, it will be better and stop water from entering our house” she said.

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